Sumario:Biofertilizers are liquid fertilizers rich in micro and macronutrients and with a high biological load that improves soil properties and conditions for plant growth and development. They are prepared on the basis of guano animals dissolved in water and enriched with milk, molasses and vegetable remains, producing an anaerobic fermentation. They serve to nourish, recover and stimulate the biological activity of the soil and strengthen the fertility of plants, protect crops against the attack of insects and diseases. In the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the aptitude for the use of biol from the Biogas Plant was evaluated. Germinations of different species were carried out, which showed a greater growth of seedlings with the increase in the proportion of mud. In the Experimental Station of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, compost tea and bioles obtained from guanos and vegetable remains, ashes and grains were elaborated and applied; what allowed to conserve the health and productivity of the vines. The objective of this project is to produce, characterize and compare different types of liquid biofertilizers obtained from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste and empirical formulations, with the intention of evaluating their performance as natural fertilizer, when applied to crops in the region of Mendoza and thus favor plant growth and development. The bioles are expected to present growth promotion properties on lettuce and tomato plants at levels comparable to synthetic compounds, providing environmental and economic benefits over local agriculture; that the anaerobic degradation in digesters eliminates the pathogens that may be present in the raw material, facilitating their manipulation and sanitary production; students will be trained in safe and environmentally and economically viable practices and product design for vegetable production, acquiring skills in sampling, analysis and statistical design. The development of this research will have an influence both in the agricultural productive field, as well as in the educational level. On the one hand, with the production of agricultural inputs from the resources of the place and in harmony with the environment, and on the other, from the construction of biodigesters, providing a tool for learners, who will have the possibility to perform experimental tests on them.