Mi noche triste: símbolo, sexualidad y ruptura. Pascual Contursi, Carlos Gardel y la configuración del tango canción

The tango Mi noche triste composed by Pascual Contursi, premiered by Carlos Gardel, and of great commercial success, is a complex structure. This paper analyzes its theme, argument, interpreter and reception. Referring to the theme, the paradox of a woman who emancipates herself leaving her man stan...

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Autor principal: Sosa Baccarelli, Nicolás
Formato: Online
Publicado: Instituto de Literaturas Modernas 2019
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/literaturasmodernas/article/view/2801
Sumario:The tango Mi noche triste composed by Pascual Contursi, premiered by Carlos Gardel, and of great commercial success, is a complex structure. This paper analyzes its theme, argument, interpreter and reception. Referring to the theme, the paradox of a woman who emancipates herself leaving her man stands out in this mostly masculine musical genre.