The great chain of being : a study of the history of an idea

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Nueva York, Estados Unidos Harper & Row 1965
Edición:Primera edición
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • I. Introduction: The study of history of ideas
  • II. The genesis of the idea in Greek philosophy: the Three Principles
  • III. The chain of being and some internal conflicts in medieval thought
  • IV. The Principle of Plenitude and the New Cosmography
  • V. Plenitude and suffcient reason in Leibniz and Spinoza
  • VI. The chain of being in Eighteenth-Century thought, and man's place and rôle in nature
  • VII. The principle of Plenitude and Eighteenth-Century optimism
  • VIII. The chain of being and some aspects of Eighteenth-Century biology
  • IX. The temporalizing of the chain of being
  • X. Romanticism and the principle of Plenitude
  • XI. The outcome of the history and its moral
  • Notes
  • Index of Names and Subjects