Elaboración de margarinas con oleogeles de aceites de oliva

Lipids are important both for their technological and nutritional aspects. Due to the health consequences of a diet with a high content of saturated and trans fats, technological alternatives have been developed to care for the health of the population and reduce or eliminate their content. One of t...

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Autores principales: Aciar, Sol Aneley, Amadio, Claudia Miriam, Araniti, Elena Verónica, Bonilla, Luis Angel, Duran Zabaleta, Florencia Fernanda, Galindo, Estela Mabel, Griffouliere, Vanina Edith, Miralles, Susana Alicia Noemí, Rodriguez, Daiana
Publicado: 2019
Acceso en línea:https://bdigital.uncu.edu.ar/fichas.php?idobjeto=14110

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