Aportes de la antropología forense a la justicia de Mendoza

Forensic anthropology has proven to be a useful discipline to provide relevant information in the clarification of judicial cases, both in the identification and study of skeletal skeletal remains and in the search for missing persons. The four morgues of the province of Mendoza (of the four Judicia...

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Autores principales: Aroca, María Celeste, Cea, Gabriela Janet, Cueto, Adolfo Omar, Fenández Aisa, Camila, Giamportone, Teresa Alicia, Giannotti, Pablo Sebastián, Hernández, José Fernando, Hita Garay, Vanina Celeste, Mansegosa, Daniela Alit, Marchiori, Julián Ignacio, Rojas, Nicole Ayelén, Sosa, Emilce Nieves
Publicado: 2019
Acceso en línea:https://bdigital.uncu.edu.ar/fichas.php?idobjeto=14908
Sumario:Forensic anthropology has proven to be a useful discipline to provide relevant information in the clarification of judicial cases, both in the identification and study of skeletal skeletal remains and in the search for missing persons. The four morgues of the province of Mendoza (of the four Judicial Circumscriptions) lack specialists in forensic anthropology. For this reason, the study of the remains deposited there have not been deepened. Through this project, it is proposed to study, from a forensic anthropological point of view, the unidentified bone remains (NN) deposited in the morgues of the province. Based on the detailed analysis of the remains, an osteobiographic record of each individual will be constructed with which it will be unified in a general database. At the same time, information will be gathered from the prosecutors about people who are missing, as well as a call to the community so that all those who have a missing family member or acquaintance will bring us useful information. In this way, another database will be built with information on people who are being searched. Finally, a comparison will be made between both databases to make a selection of possible matching cases that will be collated by DNA analysis.This project will be carried out by professors-researchers specialized in bioanthropology of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National University of Cuyo. They will also participate as teaching collaborators and graduates of the Faculties of Education, Law and Medical Sciences of UNCuyo. Students of the Bachelor of Archeology (FFyL, UNCuyo) will participate as interns in the laboratory tasks and interviews. On the other hand, there will be the collaboration of the staff (doctors and medical assistants) of the Forensic Medical Body of the Judicial Power of the province of Mendoza. It is worth mentioning that this project was launched in May 2018 from the agreement signed between Dr. Adolfo Cueto from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters UNCuyo and Abog. Alejandro Gullé Attorney General of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Mendoza, director and co-director of this project