Poscosecha de ciruela variedad angeleno

Aims: To decrease postharvest losses during refrigerated storage, to use modified atmosphere as supplementary method to refrigeration, to extend shelf life. Methodology: It was work with fruit conditioned at 0±1 °C and 90±5 % RH, according to the following varyings: 1. witness: 20 kg of fruit i...

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Publicado en:Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
Autores principales: Giménez, Adriana, Guinle, Viviana, Mirábile, Mónica, Tapia, Olga, Ventrera, Nancy, Vignoni, Lucía, Winter, Patricia
Acceso en línea:https://bdigital.uncu.edu.ar/fichas.php?idobjeto=1294
Sumario:Aims: To decrease postharvest losses during refrigerated storage, to use modified atmosphere as supplementary method to refrigeration, to extend shelf life. Methodology: It was work with fruit conditioned at 0±1 °C and 90±5 % RH, according to the following varyings: 1. witness: 20 kg of fruit in bulk without selection in plastic box; 2. in bulk + PVC film: 10 kg of fruit in bulk in trays of wood plus corrugated pasteboard covered with PVC film; 3. celpack: wood trays with two plastic trays (celpack) with 23 fruits, plus corrugated pasteboard; 4. celpack + modified atmosphere: the same but every celpack in bags of 20 μ low density poly-ethylene. At 30 days of storage it was extracted weekly a sample of 46 fruits during 9 weeks, 23 fruits were analyzed at extraction time, and the other 23 after 48 hours of simulated commercialization (sc). It was applied analysis of variance with SAS program (Statistical Analysis System) for statistical evaluation and it was determined differences among treatments with Duncan test. It was applied a P2 homogeneity test for taste. Taste evaluation was made by mean of taste panel with 5 trained tasters. Results: At the beginning of storage, fruits had this characteristics: caliber 61.4 mm, weight 117.8 g, pulp firmness 3.1 kgf, bittersweet taste, soluble solids content 17.5 °Bx, acidity 0.78 g malic acid %g, % covering 83.69.%. After refrigerated storage (97days): % of covering color 95 %; pulp firmness in celpack + bag treatment had higher values, mean 2.8 kgf; the rest had a mean of 2.6 kgf. In cs firmness was lower, this decreasing was less in celpack. Soluble solids, mean 17.21 °Bx, in cs values with a mean 0.3 % more. Acidity: progresive decreasing, from 0.68 to 0.47 g%g at the end of storage. Taste: increasing of insipid and disagreeable fruits at 59 days, except in celpack + bag. Dehydration symptoms: the only varying which did not present symptoms at 79 days was celpack + bag. Conclusions: the conditioning in celpack decreased moulds attacks, it was the only treatment without attack during 94 days, it did not present disagreeable taste and its storage limitation was due to the evident dehydration at 74 days. Fruit packed in celpack + bag had higher pressure resistance values and fruits without dehydration at 94 days of storage; mould attack and disagreeable taste was evident at 80 days. Bulk and bulk plus film varyings presented deterioration by dehydration at 74 days. Storage should not excess 80 days. Celpack + bag showed better results, with higher pressure resistance values than the other treatments, and it maintained a higher proportion of sweet tast.